Quality Assurance |
All of our products are tested for heavy metals and go under microbiological testing before they are processed with extraction. Furthermore, the samples of extracted materials are taken throughout various stages to ensure that the specs are met in the laboratory Since we are located in the foothills of the Himalayas, we are blessed to have a clean and pollution free environment, predominantly being a reason we prefer locally grow herbs.
How do herbs work?
In many cases, scientists aren' t sure what specific ingredient in a particular herb works to treat a condition or illness. Whole herbs contain many ingredients, and they may work together to produce a beneficial effect. Many factors determine how effective an herb will be. For example, the type of environment (climate, bugs, soil quality) in which a plant grew will affect it, as will how and when it was harvested and processed.
Our idea is to make the ayurvedic products available to those in need at the press of a few buttons. Our goal is to make the purchasing of ayurvedic supplements as easy, convenient and economical as possible. through this web site we want to help the people through Ayurvedic remedies which are explained in ayurveda . To ensure quality, efficacy and purity, we manufacture its own medicines and products at its ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturing unit and pharmacy in Amritsar, India. |